
Temporal and Second Language Influence on Intra-Annotator Agreement and Stability in Hate Speech Labelling

Much work in natural language processing (NLP) relies on human annotation. The majority of this implicitly assumes that annotator’s labels are temporally stable, although the reality is that human judgements are rarely consistent over time. As a …

The Ecological Fallacy in Annotation: Modeling Human Label Variation goes beyond Sociodemographics

Many NLP tasks exhibit human label variation, where different annotators give different labels to the same texts. This variation is known to depend, at least in part, on the sociodemographics of annotators. Recent research aims to model individual …

Two Contrasting Data Annotation Paradigms for Subjective NLP Tasks

Labelled data is the foundation of most natural language processing tasks. However, labelling data is difficult and there often are diverse valid beliefs about what the correct data labels should be. So far, dataset creators have acknowledged …

Learning from Disagreement: A Survey

Many tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV) offer evidence that humans disagree, from objective tasks such as part-of-speech tagging to more subjective tasks such as classifying an image or deciding whether a proposition …

A Case for Soft Loss Functions

Recently, Peterson et al. provided evidence of the benefits of using probabilistic soft labels generated from crowd annotations for training a computer vision model, showing that using such labels maximizes performance of the models over unseen data. …

Comparing Bayesian Models of Annotation

The analysis of crowdsourced annotations in natural language processing is concerned with identifying (1) gold standard labels, (2) annotator accuracies and biases, and (3) item difficulties and error patterns. Traditionally, majority voting was used …